New Patient Data Entry
1. To Add New Patient to the Patient List, click on the Add New Patient tab as show in Figure 23 below.
Figure 23: Patient Search and New Patient screen
2. For “New Patient” entry the minimum compulsory input fields are: Last Name, First Name, Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY). The Patient ID number is automatically issued. If the user selects to use their own institute or healthcare provider unique ID# it can be entered the patient ID space. The Referring Physician, Gender and Notes entries are optional.
Figure 24: “New Patient” - compulsory entries are: Last Name, First Name, Date of Birth, optional entries “Referring Physician” and patient Gender
3. After entering the patient information, the Operator can select to either start scanning by clicking on the Begin Scan tab or just clicking on the button on the top of the camera Joystick which will save the patient info into the database and will start scanning in a single step. The operator can also just save the patient data by clicking on Save Patient tab as show in Figure 24 above.
If the user selects to enter patient notes, click on the (selected) patient name in the patient list and the Patient info and Notes window will open as shown in Figure 25 below. After typing the patient notes, the user needs to click on the Save tab to save the patient data and the additional notes.
Figure 25: Select a patient name for the Patient List, type in the notes and click on the Save tab
4. Figure 26 below is showing the new patient entry into the patient database list with the operator choice of moving toward Begin Scan or just Saving the patient data.
Figure 26: Operator can select to start scanning by clicking on the Begin Scan tab after the patient data entry. If the patient data is already in the database selected the name and click the Begin Scan tab
5. If a patient is being re-scanned or viewed from the existing patient list, select the patient from the patient database as show above in Figure 26 (green arrow). To start scanning the operator can click on the Begin Scan tab or use the Capture Button on the top of the Joystick.